Watch Miranda Lambert Handle a Gun at Her RS Photo Shoot

October 6th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Miranda Lambert made her name singing about “gunpowder and lead” and covers Fred Eaglesmith’s “Time to Get a Gun” on her new album Revolution, so she didn’t mind swinging a pink-handled revolver around on the set of her Rolling Stone photo shoot (her close-up story appears in our new issue, on stands now).

Click above to go behind the session in Nashville and hear Lambert talk about which five albums she’d love to hear during the photo shoot: “Four of them would be taken up by the Merle Haggard box set Down Every Road,” she says. Conveniently, we’re big fans of Haggard, too: read editor Jason Fine’s essential Haggard playlist, and check out photos of the badass legend’s life.

As for the title of her new LP, the follow-up to 2007’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Lambert says,
“It feels like something’s changing, something new is coming and I feel like that about music right now and about this record I’ve made.”

Check out more features from our new issue featuring U2 here.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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